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c o n s a l t i n g

a b o u t     u s

Discover the future with Always in Plus, your premier navigator in the realms of blockchain, digital innovation, and beyond. Our mastery in integrating cutting-edge blockchain technology transforms businesses, catalyzing unparalleled growth and security. In the digital sphere, our bespoke solutions are the keystones to your digital transformation, ensuring seamless transitions and future-proof operations.

Our vigilant supervision protocols in construction guarantee infrastructural resilience and precision, while our supply chain strategies are crafted for efficiency, reliability, and global scalability. Dive into cryptomining with our advanced systems designed for optimal yield and sustainability. With Always in Plus, you're not just embracing the future; you're creating it.


During 10 years of existence of Always in Plus we have developed extensive competences in construction, maintenance and creation of high-performance data centres and computing clusters.


e x p e r t i s e

S e r v i c e s

  • I

    Design Planning and Support: Bridging the communication gap between architects and contractors through project planning, design, and execution. Collaborative design team involvement to ensure timely construction delivery.

  • II
    Construction and Design Bureau
    Construction and Design Bureau

    Sustainability Initiatives: Implementation of sustainable practices in projects, emphasizing efficiency, health, community welfare, waste control, recycling of materials, and improved air quality. Familiarity with LEED, WELL, and Green Globes programs.

  • III
    Maintenance and Development
    Maintenance and Development

    Constructability and Interdisciplinary Review: Providing insights during the design phase to limit potential risks in construction.

  • IV

    Expertise Leverage: Utilizing their vast experience to transform clients' visions into concrete project goals.

  • V
    Training and Consulting
    Training and Consulting

    Collaborative Design Team Approach: Working closely with design teams to ensure the correct information is relayed during the construction process, guaranteeing timely project completion.

  • VI

    Preliminary Assessment and Consultation: Offering initial evaluations of projects based on briefs submitted by clients and ensuring prompt communication to discuss further actions.

o u r     p r o j e c t s

  • nordic center

    Nordic Byte Data Complex

    Objectives: Construct a data centre harnessing renewable energies.

    Solution: Leveraged geothermal and hydroelectric power, alongside a green roof for insulation and aesthetics.

    Stockholm, Sweden
  • hymalayan

    Himalayan Crypto Mine

    Objectives: Establish a sustainable large-scale mining farm with minimal environmental impact

    Solution: Implemented a water-cooling system using local river sources, combined with solar energy farms to provide clean energy, ensuring efficient and sustainable mining operations.

    Leh, India
  • elysium

    Elysium Floating Farm

    Objectives: Create a floating mining facility harnessing solar and tidal energy.

    Solution: Floating platforms equipped with tidal turbines and solar panels, achieving a self-sustaining mining operation.

    Near Singapore
  • galactic center

    Galactic Grid Data Centre

    Objectives: Innovate a space-efficient multi-storey data storage facility.

    Solution: Introduced holographic storage solutions and quantum computing for faster, space-saving data processes.

    Berlin, Germany
  • hymalayan

    Oasis Blockchain Plant

    Objectives: Design a large-scale mining farm with an emphasis on sustainable energy.

    Solution: Combined concentrated solar power with cutting-edge battery storage solutions for 24/7 mining operations.

    Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • mediterranean

    Mediterranean Marine Data Vault

    Objectives: Innovate a subaquatic data centre harnessing sea temperatures for cooling.

    Solution: A submerged facility that utilizes the consistent cool temperatures of the deep sea, greatly reducing cooling energy costs and ensuring rapid data transmission via undersea cables.

    Athens, Greece

t r a i n i n g
a n d     w o r k s h o p s

At Always In Plus, we believe that continuous learning is the cornerstone of innovation. Our Training & Workshops section is designed to empower our clients, partners, and the community with the knowledge and skills to understand and harness the power of sustainable infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies.

  • Customized Workshops: Tailored to meet your specific needs, dive deep into the world of LEED, WELL, Green Globes, and other sustainable initiatives.
  • Hands-on Training: Experience real-world applications of sustainable building practices, waste management, and air quality improvement techniques.
  • Innovation Sessions: Join us to explore the latest trends and technologies in the world of sustainable construction and design. Learn how Always In Plus is pioneering change in various regions including Asia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Europe.
  • Stay ahead of the curve and equip yourself with the expertise to make informed decisions for a greener and more efficient future. Join us today and be a part of the sustainable revolution

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